Sewcial Bee Sampler Block #13
We are officially halfway through making our blocks! If you're just joining us on the free Sewcial Bee Sampler (SBS) sew along, take advantage of the in-blog tutorials and tips for each block by starting at the first SBS blog post and working your way to the present. We build off our previous techniques and I suggest working in order if you're new to quilting. Plus you'll get all the details on our weekly giveaways and postings on Instagram to share your work.
Many of you still haven't committed to selecting your frames yet. You'll want to start giving that some serious thought since we have enough blocks made to get an idea of the overall look for your quilt. Here's some things to keep in mind: All the blocks should be measuring 12-1/2" square, that includes the frameless designs like today's block. This means once we sew the quilt top together those blocks will FINISH at 12" square. Be sure to watch those outside points (see photo above) that the 1/4" seam allowance is left on the outside edges of these no-frame blocks, or your points will get clipped when it's sewn into a top.
Download the free Flying Geese block from my Sew Along page.
Flying Geese is another no-frame block made purely of Flying Geese units. If you followed my Bountiful fabrics blog tour you would have seen the gorgeous dress bodice that Alexis Wright pieced using our Flying Geese block pattern. Yes, she got the pattern early but it was a fabulous make!
Photo by Alexis Wright
There's no tutorial today because the no-waste Flying Geese unit is a technique we've already learned in blocks #5 and #7. Refer back to the tutorial for this technique, if you need a refresher.
My block uses the Vine Umbra and Gather Mellow prints from my Bountiful fabrics with the addition of Grapefruit and Snow Pure Element solids also from Art Gallery Fabrics. It's been amazing seeing all the projects being sewn with my new fabric line and AGF just released the Bountiful Lookbook on Monday. The Lookbook is a virtual magazine full to the brim with sewing inspiration and free patterns. Raise the Roof seen on the cover is a Log Cabin inspired free quilt pattern I designed especially for this collection. Click the Bountiful Lookbook link to look inside this fun virtual magazine.
Also, don't forget that Friday is Giveaway Friday and this week my co-host Maureen Cracknell will be hosting the giveaway from her blog. We've got a great giveaway planned from Sue Stone of Needle in a Fabric Stash. You may also recognize Sue's name as a maker that took part in my Bountiful Blog Tour.